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Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach is the East Coast to spend a wonderful holiday with views of sunshine. Located in the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia in the southeast region of Hampton, bounded on the south, North Carolina, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the north of the Chesapeake Bay. Virginia Beach is also located in the largest city in the state of Virginia. 

Virginia Beach stretches along 38 miles of beach side, of Virginia Beach to enjoy a wonderful spot of camping, with the possibility to enjoy a wonderful picnic on the boat ramp, playground, walkway, which extends over long distances and wide paths for cycling. The park is located on the Pacific Coast, which contains 222 of the camping places and 20 of the Alcabaún, which makes it the perfect choice for your family's next vacation. 

It also offers Virginia Beach Vacations visitors an opportunity to visit the historic district of Cape Henry, a site of the first English settlers in America in 1607. beach you can also visit the old lighthouse area to Cape Henry, the oldest lighthouse built for the government in the country. Can be found using the guide Virginia. 

Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy participating in the Virginia Beach tourism. You can also visit the Virginia Beach Fishing Center, which is located in Rudee and which maintains the largest fleet of charter and party boat on the coast of the state of Virginia. Its full-service marina, with deep water marina equipped to handle boats up to 100 boats. 

It also hosts the Virginia Beach, Virginia, which offers a variety of fun ways tourist events including Truck Gallery beach, in the weekend concerts are held, such as the large Big Bad Voodoo Pope and accept them a lot of visitors. 

Virginia Beach hosts to a variety of hotels that offer accommodation with B & B, as well as dozens of resorts, hotels and motels to suit all levels. Virginia Beach is an independent city in which is located in the state of Virginia, USA. 

Census arrived in Virginia in 2010, to as much as 437994. while the census in 2013, to reach a 448479. the most populous city in the state of Virginia. 

Is included Virginia Beach in the Hampton Roads area of ​​the capital, and the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, to include the area known as the "zone of America first," and also from independent cities Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Suffolk, as well as other cities small and counties, and the cities of Hampton Roads. 

Virginia Beach in the resort town, which lies on the miles of beaches and hundreds of hotels, motels and restaurants along the oceanfront. Each year the city hosts the championship skiing on the east coast as well as in North America soccer tournament and sand, as well as the Beach Soccer Championship. It is also home to a number of parks International, for several areas in the beach protected from the three military bases, and by a number of major companies, universities, and the location of the studios for broadcast television network Pat Robertson broadcast (CBN), and there is an association of research and enlightenment for Edgar Cayce, and many sites historical. 

Was added to the city in the Guinness Book of Records because it contains the longest beach fun in the world. Which is located at the southern end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, the longest bridge tunnel complex in the world

Tourism in Southeast Asia

Famous for tourism in Southeast Asia to contain many areas of archaeological and historical included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage, including: 

Ayutthaya, Thailand 
Ayutthaya is one of the most majestic and historic places in Thailand. It is the Thai capital for 417 years (1350 1767: Kingdom of Ayutthaya), and can be considered as one of the largest cities in the world and the Center for Southeast Asian civilizations. 
Ayutthaya was founded to be one of the richest cities in Asia by 1600, which is famous for the export of rice, and animal skins, ivory, since 1767 until they were burning the entire city during the war. 
During the 17th century, accept foreign visitors to Ayutthaya, traders also accept or diplomats alike, and became the Ayutthaya city is the most glamorous than ever. Map of Ayutthaya published in 1691 by Simon de la Oibera in Royaume evidence for recognition. 

Ayutthaya extends to 76 kilometers north of Bangkok, and includes many of the magnificent ruins. There are many ancient monuments and works of art that can be seen, indicating these places to the ruins of Ayuthaya most beautiful cities in India - and the most prosperous cities in China. Ayutthaya included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site since December 13, 1991. 

Hue, Vietnam 
Hue was the capital of the province in central Vietnam ThuaThien sovereign feudal, extends to about 1100 km north of Ho Chi, located a few miles from the sea. 
The hue is the national capital, and the political and cultural center of religious and Vietnam, which lies under the control of Nguyen Dynastyfrom 1802 to 1945. And divided the Imperial City, through the adoption of a series of United Center walled temples and palaces, and the wings. People come to Hue to see the old Imperial complex, Citadel and the Forbidden City, and temples, and many of the tombs of the emperors, which lies a few kilometers south of the city. 

There are parts of the Imperial City in ruins, while many of them have been restored. Remote city are the tombs of the emperors, Kaaadadat walled garden with temples and lakes, and cemeteries. There is a shrine of the most impressive of TuDuc who ruled between 1847 and 1883. Hue is famous for its excellent food, including some foods empire days. The only drawback is the weather for Hue, Hoi An, while the area is quiet, and the city proper to relax to be interesting. Admitted to the city of Hue as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. 

Luang Prabang, Laos 
Luang Prabang is the old town, which lies in the north of Laos, located on a peninsula at the confluence of two rivers, the Nam Khan and Mekong River famous. Among the many famous travelers and writers as the cultural heart of Laos, a small town surrounded by mountains, including that extends to 700 meters above sea level. 
Luang Prabang is the interface first tourist in Laos known as one of the most beautiful sites in Southeast Asia and World Heritage sites listed by UNESCO in 1995. 
Luang Prabang was the royal capital of the ancient kingdom of LanXang until he moved to King Phothisarat administrative headquarters to Vientiane in 1545. Luang Prabang town owes its name to the current Fa Bang, (now in the Museum of the Royal Palace), which was brought to the city in early 1500. 

Depicting the town's rich heritage and French architecture and historic section entire keen on tourism, with everything from the former royal palaces to more than 33 Watts (temples), on the tourist trails. Still this royal capital is the main center of Buddhist learning in Laos is the perfect place for spiritual reflection. 
In 1989, Laos has opened its doors to tourism to stimulate economic growth and revitalization of Luang Prabang. Whether restored traditional wooden houses and colonial mansions to its former beauty, it can be converted into guest houses, hotels and charming restaurants to serve the growing tourist trade. 
This small town and kind of slept most of the local population and is now one of the richest places to visit most of the provinces in Laos. It is one of the few places that retain the atmosphere unique. 
It was a vote to Luang Prabang in Laos to be a facade tourist number one by the New York Times in 2008. 

Malacca, Malaysia 
Malacca is the historic city of West Malaysia, a rich city of historic monuments and cultures, extending to about 120 kilometers southeast of Kuala Lumpur, about 250 km. Located to the north-west of Singapore, and is easily accessible by road across the highway between the north and south. 
Malacca to reflect the multi-cultural heritage rich in customs and traditions unique, food, festivals, dances, buildings and lifestyles. Kitchen Malacca is well-known flavors organisms. There is the city's many restaurants, cafes and dining halls, bars and fast food restaurants that offer a range of cooking options. 
Malacca is one of the most popular places to visit in Malaysia. Was created many museums to contain significant artifacts from the rich history Bmlqa. Among the most prominent museums in Malacca Sultanate Palace Museum, and the Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum and the Museum of History and Ethnography. 
There is accommodation in these countries that suit all tastes and budgets. Located by the grand hotels of the cities. 
Malacca was listed in UNESCO World Heritage Cities under the title of "historical cities in the Strait of Malacca," since July 7, 2008, as announced in Quebec, Canada

Cheaper tourist country in Europe

Tourist attractions in the European continent filled with exciting adventure. There are many different cultures that exist in this world of meeting new people, tasting different foods and learn other languages​​. Remains good for European magic. European authorities have attracted the attention of various travelers. Here interfaces cheap tourist in Europe: 

1. Rome 
Rome is one of the most visited places in Europe. Unlike Paris or London, the city spent as a vacation spot where the budget is simple amazing. Average hotel rates per night $ 190, and thus the cheapest places in other major tourist destinations in Italy. Rome is characterized as an international center of the intersection, where you can fly to Rome as the cheapest cities of Italy. 

2. Prague 
Prague is one of the European destinations economic. According to the site TripAdvisor, Prague occupies the center of the 20 most visited cities in the world and fifth in Europe. The average price of accommodation per night, according to TripAdvisor travelers about 248 USD for two people. 

3. Dublin 
Very easy to find a cheap hotel in Dublin. Average house prices for two in the hotel's extensive breakfast with prices starting at 75 euros per person (about 94 dollars). The New York Times mentions site for hotels, as the best price around $ 150 per night. In addition, by the Dublin tourist attractions amazing and affordable, including the National Museum of Ireland, National Botanic Gardens, and the Irish Museum of Modern Art. At Ashford Castle, visitors can throw a peek at the past Irish rich. 

4. Warsaw 
You can save money in the cities of Eastern Europe, Western Europe. All cities in Eastern Europe, such as Warsaw is a haven for tourists and especially what to look for luxury accommodation at cheap prices. According to the Hotel Price Index from Hotels.com, the capital of Poland luxurious hotel offers the lowest price in the world. The average price of a five-star hotel in Warsaw, about 130 USD per night in 2011. 

There are other hotels that offer cheaper rates, although the room service equivalent to five-star. For example, the price of Palace Hotel Bologna at the weekend about 65 € per night. In fact Bologna luxurious hotel built in the early 20th century and is the only hotel in Warsaw that survived the Second World War. 

5. Lisbon 
Portugal by many places cheaply from its neighbor Spain. Capital Lisbon, for example, offers the charm of other European countries, from: the beautiful scenery of the world's oceans and beaches, cobblestone streets and ancient Gothic cathedral. According to TripAdvisor travelers, the average cost of staying one night in a four star hotel about 130 USD. Submitted reports the New York Times for many of the cultural attractions that offer free on Sunday, including the Museum Museu Nacional de Torre de Belem and Arqueologia, the historic fort

Best times of year to visit the island of Bali

Bali is known for a long time for its beauty and splendor, which can be considered as a tropical island paradise. The reason for the arrival of millions of travelers from all over the world visit to enjoy the sandy beaches on the island each year. Bashmesha characterized Bali, surfing, and the unique culture and vitality of the island's population (mostly Hindus). You can find out the best times of year to travel to Bali is vital in the planning and enjoy a holiday on the spectacular 'island amazing. "

The best times of year to visit the island of Bali 
Like most tropical islands, Bali is characterized by the term, with two, the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season is usually between November and April, depending on the region, and it can be very humid days. Temperatures often between 26 and 35 degrees Celsius, and usually raining every day at least a few hours. The dry season is from May to October when the sun shines and the sun are usually temperatures between 23 and 31 degrees Celsius. You sightseeing, excursions, scuba diving, or any other activities in the outdoors, so it may be the best time to travel in the dry season. 

Visit Bali 
It is also important to realize that Bali is a popular tourist spot, especially in the tourist season and the high tourist season low. July, August and September are the busiest times of the year in Bali as the New Year holiday in late December and early January to January. Visitors increases in these months, and crowded traffic in congested areas, prices rise accommodation and even worsen. If you prefer quiet and get a discounted price you may want to travel away from the high tourist season. 

Visit Bali for the lovers of the waves 
Finally, planners want to journey to Southeast Asia to enjoy the undisputed favorite tourist this interface based on the wave patterns. During the November-April find the east coast of Bali is filled with huge waves, so it is time for an experienced inflation size of giant waves. From April to October, the west coast of Bali gets heavy wind and big waves to medium-sized businesses, and for lovers of good waves, intermediate and advanced. For beginners, the months between March and November are the best times are good to learn how to enjoy the beaches in the south, where you will find a very moderate waves and the weather is nice. 

Visit Bali for the lovers of calm 
Generally, if you want a perfect holiday in Bali, including the beautiful weather, enjoy with a lot of outdoor activities, you have freedom from the crowds and lower prices, the best time to visit Bali is in the months of May, June or October On the other hand, you may want to identify the schemes directed about water skiing in Bali when planning a vacation.


Sydney contain almost endless variety of attractions to entertain visitors of all ages. Come face to face with wildlife in Australia, diverse, and art gallery, to see a performance at the Opera House in Sydney, to immerse yourself in a museum or a visit to a World Heritage Sites and Heritage listed at the heart of the city. 

Sydney has many of the elements of the most popular tourist attractions in Australia, and the famous Opera House in Sydney, with the architectural marvel of the World Heritage Site. You can enjoy a meal or a drink at one of the restaurants or cafes, and then you see a world-class under the famous white sails of the building. 

Sydney is a big city need some big thrills, especially for family holidays. To introduce children to animals from all over the world in Sydney Harbour and Taronga Zoo, at a distance of 40 - minute drive from the city center, you can enjoy the annexation of more than 2,200 animals, including penguins, koalas and kangaroos. Sydney Aquarium, the children see life in Australia in the beautiful marine close quarters. Wildlife in Sydney Darling Harbour have features interactive displays, and sessions daily feeding of animals and habitats, including walk-through, and remote areas and tropical butterfly. 

The main tourist attractions other Sydney Luna Park, the amusement park and the harbor and the Sydney Tower Eye, the highest point above Sydney with 360 degree views of the harbor, and the beaches and in the Blue Mountains. You can click on a submarine in the Australian National Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour, Sydney Observatory, you control the night sky and the stars of the Southern Cross. 

Bondi Beach 
To connect with Bondi Beach 
Visiting hours: 
Monday to Saturday, 9:00 to 20:30 

Sydney Harbour Bridge 
Completed in 1932, and "Coathanger", as known locally, as beloved by Sydney who move across it by train and buses and cars and bikes. It is a vital piece of industrial heritage in Sydney, the bridge could be explored independently on foot, by bicycle (there are separate bike path) or by joining one of the (www.bridgeclimb.com) missions climb the bridge that regulate well organized - so you can climb the bridge at night. 
To connect with Sydney Harbour Bridge 
Visiting hours: 
Daily, 10:00 to 5:00. 
Admission ticket prices 
$ 9,50 (4, 35 £) 

Bondi Beach 
Dates of the visit 
Open Monday to Friday from 6:00 to 18:30, Saturday and Sunday, 6:30 to 18:30. 
Ticket prices: $ 4,50 (2,05 £) 

Fish Market in Sydney 
Few cities do seafood as well as Sydney and when you visit this group grubby, smelly and random buildings you'll understand why. Variety, freshness and abundance of fish available and truly amazing - everything from huge slabs of tuna fillets to the most sensitive of whiteness. There are mountains of oysters, prawns, cockles, mussels and crab and lobster, as well as some aquatic creatures you've never seen before. Grab some sushi or some cheap fish 'n' chips while you're here. For the real fanatics fish market offers regular cooking classes and tours. 
Visiting hours: 
Daily from 07:00, apart from the Birth Day Holiday 

Blue Mountains 
Located along the 65 km from the city center of Sydney, the Blue Mountains and is much more than a chintzy cafes and a train ride that portrayed in tourist brochures. But in fact, are packaged wild marked with great walks, stunning views and eucalyptus forests are endless. Do not miss the exhibition of Norman Lindsay's in Faulconbridge, and Three Sisters in Katoomba and Jenolan Caves aged 400 million years. And do not forget walking shoes. 
Blue Mountains Visitor Information Center 
Echo Point, Katoomba 
Toll Free (within Australia only): 1300 653 408 
Amouka mail 
Visiting hours: 
Daily, 9:00 to 17:00. Closes at Birth Day holiday.

Do you want to spend their honeymoon in the shores of Istanbul

Do you want to spend a honeymoon or vacation on a beautiful beach this summer? We discussed a little bit and we found you the most beautiful beaches in sunny Turkey. 

Suda (Istanbul): This is a beautiful island, which is located on the middle of the Bosphorus Istanbul tourist facade optimization. 

Oludeniz Beach: When you visit the beach this it is necessary to see The Blue Lagoon the Blue) Lagoon) where you'll find calm waters with three degrees of turquoise, as characterized by the existence of this beach the best diving and snorkeling areas. Thanks to the wonderful views of the foothills of the mountains near the beach, this beach is ideal for paragliding landing. 

Alanya Beach: remember that the beaches are too hot stone severe in the summer months; June, July and August. Alanya Beach is located near the city of Antalya, where you can explore the many historical sites. 

Kemer Beach: This beach is one of the best beaches in Turkey, where it is a convenient place to relax for a few congestion, a rocky beach, not a sandy beach. 

Amos Beach: This beach was formerly a Roman colony, and the availability of the effects of the small runway is a great place to enjoy watching scenic on the Gulf. 

Ofaboko Beach: Located on the beach Ofaboko Datca peninsula, where you can enjoy coarse sand and clear blue water on this cove surrounded by beautiful forests of pine and oak trees and myrtle and carob. 

Beach Olympus: Olympus is an isolated village charming and quiet, surrounded by mountains and sand grit as characterized by the crystal waters of its coast serenity.

the best beaches as tourist_ brazil_

Brazil has a lot of stunning beaches. It is well known that Brazil has some of the best beaches as tourist attractions in the world. There are more than 2,000 beaches that stretch along the Brazilian coast and more than 1,000 islands that dot the Atlantic Ocean within the borders of the state. While there are many of them are overcrowded, and many of them are in it to maintain the environmental sanctuaries. Here is a list of the best beaches in Brazil: 

Fernando de Noronha - Fernando de Noronha 
Paradise Beach is the word most commonly used to describe the Fernando de Noronha Beach. Fernando de Noronha is one of the best beaches of the tourist attractions in Brazil. Archipelago, which extends for about 350 km from the northeast coast of Brazil. It's beautiful beaches on the small volcanic island. You can visit three areas attractive and mandatory there: Praia do Sancho, which are reached through the slit in the wall of stone; Baia dos Burkos (Bay of Pigs), and place of stunning beauty and great for swimming, and Atalaya, a swimming saltwater natural with marine life abundant. 

Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco - Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco 
It was voted on the shore of Porto de Galinhas as one of the best tourist attractions of the beaches in Brazil to eight times in a row by Brazilian travel magazine. The recommended Baattabaha destination for weekends. The beach is famous for the stunning coral, coastal waters and beaches of the bright, and PISCINAS naturais (Portuguese for "natural pools"). 

Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro - Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro 
You can enjoy panoramic views of Ipanema include Brazil with activities and celebrations and colorful culture and on a global level of elegance that focuses on the beach, which made it one of the most expensive places to live in Rio de Janeiro. It is interesting to note that the Ipanema means "bad water" in the ancient language Toby, but paradoxical place as one of the best beaches of the tourist attraction in Brazil and one of the most famous places in the world. 

Beach Praia do Espelho, Bahia 
This beach is a beautiful place to spend the day, with the possibility of monitoring changes in the sand and water. And you can retain in this beach very well, both the green forest surrounded by sand and water. There are turtles and other marine organisms is very common. 

Gerakwakuara, Ciara - Jericoacoara, Ceará 
This beach paradise is also a panoramic view of the picturesque, you can enjoy watching the amazing beauty, which is home to some of the best places to play kites. Throughout the year you see skiers and kite surfers. This place is great for relaxing located. 

This information about the amazing beaches and attractive tourist attractions, if you want to spend your vacation on the beach, especially in Brazil.

Croatia star European tourism

After its accession to the European Union on the first of July 2013, Croatia became the focus of world attention. What is this country that ought to join the European bloc? Travel to him, you have to get a Schengen Visa Ahdry of European embassies, because they do not Caruatiat Embassy in Lebanon until today. 

Croatian is the capital of the rich historical heritage. Located on the banks of the River Sava (Sava) and its activities are characterized by cultural and sports, especially as it combines Eastern and Western Europe. Visit the Square Trg Josipa Jelacica where everyone meets, the city museum, which was built in the seventeenth century, a history of the city Yuri through works of art, documents and handicrafts, Maksimir Park covers an area of ​​18 hectares, which is similar to British gardens Bozkth, promoters and artificial lakes. In the south of Zagreb, specifically in the street Praška, find the first three squares Square Nikola Šubic Zrinski consisting of garden Zrinjevac, Museum of Antiquities, the Academy of Art and Science in Croatia (HAZU) and showroom of Modern Art. Add to that the fountain erected in 1878, called Le champignon. It is then up to the yard Kralja Tomislava that carry its name in honor of the first king of Croatia Tomislav, Vtaataraf to the bus station, the building arts and historic Esplanade Hotel, which Bnay in 1925 to receive the passengers on the train the famous Orient Express. In the street Mihanoviceva, Vimrkz National Theatre, University of Zagreb, the Museum of Art and crafts, statues: Saint George and le bien de la vie, and the first skyscraper in Croatia, which was built in 1933 and during the 79 days only, and finally in the arena basic Zagreb, hopes a statue of a man political famous Croatian Stjepan Radi and visit the Post Office Building and the Croatian National Bank. 

Dubrovnik (Dibrovnik): 
The city of Dubrovnik port and tourist center in South Dalamtie (a coastal area in Croatia) under Mount la Srd. Pearl called Peart of the Adriatic because it is rich historically and culturally and placed on the World Heritage list of UNESCO. It is comparable to the Italian city of Venice in the Middle Ages, thus achieved in the fifteenth and sixteenth gangbusters. Advantage of this city's sandy beaches and rocky, and its architectural heritage museums as a museum of ancient Maritime, and the city's cathedral, and the Institute of Biology, and Franciscan monasteries. As for activities, you can practice sports, sailing, diving, parasailing, bungee jumping. 

Astraea (Istrie): 
Is the largest Croatian peninsula, located in the heart of Khaddarha cities and villages dating back to the Middle Ages, the most important of the city's famous porec Balbazeljk built by the Byzantine Emperor Euphrasius in the sixth century AD. You can discover the cave Baredine which has a depth of 132 meters and the 5 caves rich Balsed stalactites. The Pula is the port where a lot of the alley, Roman ruins and turf. Morovun other historical city also belong to the Middle Ages. Brijuni Islands is a large islands join their 12 Island youngster. 

This region is known the diversity and beauty of its beaches. 
Peninsula to Ubar Hatian, Paradise Beach and Beach Livacina. Ganahib Beach got on the blue flag thanks to the transparency of the blue waters. Shallow, monitored by lifeguards from nine in the morning until six in the evening. Paradise Beach and hand suit swimmers, families and children for the holiday. The night cabarets, restaurants and playgrounds and water sports. It is similar to the beach Livacina appropriate for children and amateurs the picigin (ie Volleyball in deep water). There is also a beach Crni Molo in Crigvenica. It is a small village of fishermen where marine plants satisfy the tastes of nature lovers as well as athletes. You can practice several sports activities, including aerobics and beach volleyball and golf. Who wants to rest in the shade, can lie under the canopy or on the chair long. Beach Crikvenica appropriate for all ages, as well as for people with special needs. And find on the beach all sports equipment. 

Natural heritage of Croatia 
Croatia contain a range of parks and national parks such as Parc national des lacs de Plitvices inscribed on the list of National Heritage of UNESCO and the Parc national des iles Brijuni. 15 Dqthagh need to access it in the boat. These islands enjoy a mild climate and is characterized by a relatively diverse Npatadtha. You can navigate through the park in this small train. Do not forget to bring your bathing suit to swim in order to test the small bays. Possible exercise of activities: diving, fishing, riding on the sail, climb the mountains of Crown Point - Miss Jadrana - Hvar, and kayak. Veli Brijun in endemic plants and mingle with cedar trees, bamboo trees, and many other plants provided by the heads of state to governor Tito island. Coexist in the Safari parc 200 species of birds, giraffes, ostriches and ... a scene not to be missed! 

Croatia: the face of the new month and celebrations 
Summer this year is full of celebrations and festivals including Seasplash Festival in July, which incubate several types of music Cal reggae, and ska, and bass and electro. There Dimension Festival in August, an annual electronic music festival, which is happening in Fort Punta Christo, the legendary site that gets the Outlook Festival in September. It is the largest Bass Music Festival in Europe. The festival site: large abandoned fort back to the nineteenth century. A list of the program: beach parties and boat parties under the sun. Do not forget to visit the Carpe Diem on the island of Hvar which is the heart of the coastal clubs in Croatia. Site says http://www.carpe-diem-hvar.com that this club attracts people of all ages and all Bsarat prepares them unforgettable. The
 phrase martyr fired by the club's patrons: Be one of us!

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